Collateral took the stage and you really could see and hear the difference. The sheer confidence and brio that the band bring is something to behold.

This should have been part of their album launch tour but it has been delayed – no matter, it was a great way to introduce the crowd to the new songs.
Angelo Tristan is a sight to behold with his flowing hair, bare chest and rips but he also has the vocal power to go with it.
Their sound is very much based in LA rock of the eighties and early nineties and guitarist Todd Winger has more licks and faster fingers than most of the guitarists from that time could ever wish for.
From the opener ‘Mr Big Shot’ and a stunning version of ‘Merry Go Round’ they were full of the joy of playing hard rock to a crowd that dug their music and when the hit ‘Midnight Queen’ they were in full throttle rock mode.
This bunch have the capacity to be huge.
A god evening of modern rock with a retro flavour – worth dragging out in the rain for
by Andy Snipper of Music News UK | Sat.28.Sep.2019 & Photo by Andras Paul.
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